FMP – ‘Horses in Fashion Photography’

My final major project took my research on horses in fashion and defined it into specifically looking at ‘Horses in Fashion Photography’. These images have now been filtered to just editorial for magazines and advertisements for brands. My final outcomes that came out of my research were a proposal, a chapter and a press release. The proposal was aimed at publishing company Rizzoli, after much research on competing book and other publishing companies, Rizzoli seemed an ideal company for my proposed been to be sent to. I wrote the chapter ‘Out of Context’ to go along side the proposal to give an idea of what the book would be like in a written chapter form. I also wrote a press release to go with the project from the angle of the book being published and ready to be released.

Poster custom size

Images for my proposed chapter ‘Out of Context’.

Final chapter documentPress Release for Horses in Fashion

My final major project in the exhibition space.

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